Aircraft Type: 650-0043
Date of Manufacture: 1984
Aircraft Total Hours: 8340 hours
Landings: 7475s
Engines: Airframe & Engines
Both Engines on Honeywell MSP Gold
DOC 11 Completed March 2024
Honeywell AZ-800 Air Data Computers, Universal UNS-1D FMS , Dual Collins VHF 22 Com Radios , L3 NXT 600 Mode S Transponders, NXT-900 WAAS/ GPS for ADSB compliance, KHF 950 HF, Universal MFD 640 , Honeywell AA-300 Radio Altimeter, Freon Air, Honeywell
A beautiful 9 passenger seating consisting of six executive seats with a four place club configuration, a forward two place divan, and an aft belted toilet. Cabin furnishings consist of a LH refreshment center with a cooking oven and coffee container. XM Radio, Gorgeous Mahogany Veneer.
Overall white with black, gold stripes